Welcome to

American Gothic by Grant Wood IOWA CHESS Pigs playing chess


Mark Willey

S. Bondari*

K. Sharafuddin

Randy Bauer*

Mitch Weiss*

Ilya Karasik

Dale Kenkel








* means state champion.
Also in the state is ten-time champion Dan Harger.
In Postal Chess, John Penquite deserves mention. He was the highest rated USCF correspondence player with a 2927 rating (won 49 games straight, no losses, no draws).


The association is reaching its 100th birthday. Iowa State Chess Association
Editor of the official quarterly publication Iowa Chess En Passant is Mark Capron of Iowa City.

For scholastic chess, a good contact is Roger Gotschall, Ames, Iowa 50010, tel 515-233-4239, email KPAWN2SQ@aol.com.

Louis PaulsenIowa has a storied chess history: Louis Paulsen, born in Nassengrund, Germany Jan-15-1833, died of diabetes Aug-18-1891, was the number one player in America when Paul Morphy wasn't playing. According to Arpad Elo in his 1978 book "The Rating of Chessplayers, Past and Present," Paulsen's best five year rating was 2550 which was very high for the time. According to Jeff Sonos who claims his "chessmetric ratings" are more accurate than ELO, Paulsen was number one in the world in 1862, 1865, 1869, 1870, 1871 and number two in the world for 9 years. His peak year Chessmetrics rating was 2785 in 1866, which is not bad. Depending on which Chessmetrics list or graph you look at, Sonos lists Paulsen as one of the top 12 chess players in world history. Back in Germany, Paulsen's sister Amalie (1831-1869) was the first woman to beat a master. Paulsen lived on a farm and established a distillery and a tobacco trade near Dubuque with his brother Ernest and Amalie from 1854 until 1861 when he migrated to England. Herr Louis Paulsen was a very simple-minded, unworldly-wise man, always absorbed in the work upon which he was engaged, and forgetful of everything else. Paulsen was a great defensive player and a profound opening theoretician who introduced many novelties, especially in the French and Sicilian. A major line in the Sicilian is named after him. Steinitz called him a "pioneer of the new school" and Steinitz claimed that Paulsen was the one opponent he feared most in matchplay. He changed the way we play chess by his treatment of pawn structures, closed positions and fianchettos. He is the first person to popularize blindfold chess and held the record of 15 games played simultaneously. He was the leading blindfold expert in the world during his lifetime. He also founded the Dubuque Chess Club in 1858 such as it is. The classic book on him is Horst Paulussen’s "Louis Paulsen 1833-1891 und das Schachspiel in Lippe 1900-1981, Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Deutschen Schachspiels" (Detmold 1982, Herausgegeben vom Lippischen Heimatbund Detmold, Verlag Topp und Möller). In tournaments he was 2nd at New York 1857, 1st at Bristol 1861, 2nd at London 1862 (after Adolf Anderssen), 2nd at Baden-Baden 1870, 1st at Krefeld 1871, 1st at Leipzig 1877, 2nd at Leipzig 1879 and 4th= at Breslau 1889. In matches he played Adolf Anderssen three times; drawing in 1862 (+3, =2, -3) and winning in 1876 (+5, =1, -4) and 1877 (+5, =1, -3). He also defeated Ignatz Von Kolisch (+7, =18, -6) in 1861 and Gustav Richard Neumann (+5, =3, -2) in 1864. The introduction of chess clocks had a negative influence on his play and drove him from chess. Here are about 400 of his best games in PGN format: Paulsen's games

One of the finest chess problem magazines of all time was the Dubuque Chess Journal a.k.a. Brownson's Chess Journal published by an African-American named A. O. Brownson, Jr. from July 1869 until June 1892. There were 13 volumes at $1.20 per annum or ten cents an issue. Each issue had about a dozen lightly annotated games from international magazines or tournaments and over 30 chess problems, about half of them original, usually mate in 2, 3, or 4 moves but occasionally suicide mates or play-to-win endgames. There were articles on chess news, analysis of openings, chess variants, chess notation variants, and letters to the editor by problemists complaining about people who complained about their problems. A sample list of games from January 1875 is below -

409 MONTREAL-QUEBEC Telegraph match
Single issues of this magazine now retail for about $50 each.


Robert Beelman

Peter Harris

Mark Capron

2103 W 1st St No.8

2000 N.Ct. 10d

1029 6th Ave

Ankeny 50021

Fairfield 52556

Iowa City 52240





IOWA CITY: The Hawkeye Chess Club; contact Mohammad Sayeeduzaman at 353-4288; email and home addresses are on their webpage. Usually meets on the third floor lobby of the Student Union. A more current eddress is: University of Iowa Chess Club. The Tobacco Bowl cafe which is right downtown on the pedestrian mall is where you can ask for board and pieces at the counter and assorted chess players hang out there. In the summer, chess is played in the pedestrian mall in front of the cafe. The best place is at the Deadwood Bar at 6 Dubuque Street, just down the block. There they lend free pieces and chess clocks. It is the center of Iowa chess.

AMES: The Ames ISU Chess Club also has two homepages (!), contact: Roger Gotschall, Ames, Iowa 50010, tel 515-233-4239 email: KPAWN2SQ@aol.com.

The Cyclone Chess Club

Chess Club Ames/ISU

CEDAR FALLS/WATERLOO: Al Schoeman, 111 Bauch St., Waterloo, IA 50701. The Waterloo Chess Club meets at the public library. Also contact John Osness at osnessjm@cedarnet.org

DES MOINES area has a scholastic chess league with many schools participating. There are an estimated 100 scholastic players in Iowa. Des Moines Chess Clubhas a couple e-mail addresses for one to contact. It meets on Tuesday nights.

DAVENPORT Chess Club website is Quad Cities Chess ClubThey hold weekly, USCF-rated tournaments each Tuesday night at 6:30 PM at AmericInn just north of ThunderBay Grill in North Davenport (HWY 61 N. or Brady St.) If you'd like other information on additional meeting times and places, contact Roger Kromphardt at Ramjet711@aol.com. We hope you'll join us!

DUBUQUE Chess Club meets at the public library on Wednesdays. Contact Earl Zismer, tel 556-1662. The Dubuque Chess Club.

MASON CITY: Mitch Weiss 424-0946.

SIOUX CITY: Chris Jens, 2811 S Mulberry St. Sioux City, IA 51106. JensCSD@aol.com

Willey-Soltis Diagram

WILLEY-SOLTIS, Seattle Chess Club Summer Open

Does anyone know of a game where one side was up more than a queen and exchange after eight moves? {ECO C11} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 c5 5. e5 cxd4 6. exf6 dxc3 7. fxg7 Qxg5 8. gxh8=Q

Willey-Yanoka Diagram

Find the winning move that DEEP FRITZ can't find!
White to move

This is from the game Willey (USA)-Yanoka ELO 2365 (POL), Yalta, CCCP, 1990. See below for the solution and game.

Mark Willey's 24 Memorable Games


Anyone can email me information about:

These were pointed out by Prof. H. Simpson and published in CHESS REVIEW Jan-Feb 1982 published by James Schroeder of Cleveland.

Mate is given at White's third move or earlier in 355 possible games.

First we have the well-known games in which Black mates on his second move. A typical game of this type is 1. f4 (or f3) e5 (or e6) 2. g4 Qh4. White's two moves may occur in either order, giving 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 games.

The games in which White mates on his third move can be grouped into types as follows --

(i) 1. e3 (or e4) e5 2. Qh5 Ke7 3. Qxe5 mate = two games

(ii) 1. c3 (or c4 or d4) and White mates with Qc2 or Qd3 followed by Qg6 after Black has played f6 and h6 (or h5) in either order = 3 x 4 = 12 games.

(iii) 1. e3 (or e4) followed by Qg4 and Qg6 after Black has played f6 (or f5) and h6 (or h5) in either order = 2 x 8 = 16 games.

(iv) 1. e3 followed by Bd3 and Bg6 after Black has played as in (iii) = 4 games.

(v) 1. e3 (or e4) followed by Be2 and Bh5 after Black has played f6 (or f5) and g5 in either order = 2 x 4 = 8 games.

(vi) 1. e3 (or e4) and mates with Qh5, Black playing as in (v) and White's second move being a pawn move a3, a4, b3, b4, c3, c4, d3, d4, e4 (e5), f4, g3, h3 or h4; or a bishop move Bd3, Bc4, Bb5, or Ba6; or a Queen move Qe2, Qf3, or Qg4; or knight to Na3, Nc3, or Nh3 = 2 x 23 x 4 = 184 games.

(vii) 1 e4 f5 2. e4xf5 g5 3. Qh5 = 1 game.

(viii) Black plays as in (v). White's second move is e3 (or e4) and his first move is pawn to a3, a4, b3, b4, c3, c4, d3, d4, f4, g3, h3 or h4 or knight to Na3, Nc3, or Nh3 = 2 x 15 x 4 = 120 games.

Now the White mates equal 2 + 12 + 16 +4 + 8 +184 + 1 + 120 = 347 and added to the 8 Black mates, the total is 355 games.


I saw Hugh at the 2002 Iowa Open in September. He has just published his autobiography "A CHESS EXPLORER" which includes openings analysis and 130 of his best games annotated. He is selling it for $25 plus $3 shipping. You can contact him at 1605 E 12th Street, Davenport, IA 52803, tel. 563-324-6609. He is in the phonebook.


FIDE Laws of Chess

FIDE Laws of Chess (vie FTP)

FIDE Laws of Chess 1997 edition

Chess Corner

Chess Dominion

Chess Informant Reference Page

Chess Links FIDE Laws of Chess

Classification of Chess Combinations

Classification of Chess Endings

Classification of Chess Openings

ECO Codes

Historical Chess Documehhnts

PGN Description

PGN Online Description


United States Chess Federation Home Site WBCA Blitz Rules

Chess Vocabulary in 4 Languages

Chess Dictionary
The largest chess dictionary in the world. Global form of chess with 5,000+ keywords and 30+ modules

1995 Nordic Zonal Tournament in Chess Reykjavik
Games, results, and bios from the 1995 Nordic Zonal.

64 Chess Street
All of the most important games of the past two years. Sorted by ECO in cbf format.

Amiga Archive at Caissa
A central repository for Amiga chess-related programs.

Aminet Game Archive
An archive of board game programs for the Amiga.

Aminet Two Player Games http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/amiga/aminet/info/www/public_html/dirs/game_2play.html  
Index of 2- or more player games on Aminet.

Archives (Brazil)
Brazilian archive; with FIDE info, games, and software; it hasn't been updated in a long while.

Art Gallery
Internet Chess Library pic gallery with pictures of chess boards and pieces, chess celebrities, ICS personalities, and screen shots of programs available at the ICL.

Atari Archive at Caissa
A central repository for Atari-related chess programs.

Biographical games collections

British Chess Game archive, 1930-Present. Download game collections from tons of British events.

Chess Archaeology
Part of the Michigan Chess Association site, this page features historical games annotated by their participants (Steinitz, etc.)

Chess Archive
Has a java applet featuring a Game of the Day, plus PGN collections by player (only a dozen or so top GM's) and opening (fairly large).

Chess Archive at Caissa
A central repository of chess files, programs, etc.

Chess Archives
from Traveller Information Services; offer Logical Chess: Move by Move, Chess Diagram Construction Utility, Beginner's Page, Chess Problem Server, 5-Piece Endgame Solution, Chess Graphics, Chess Trivia and Chess History.

Chess Cafe Skittles Room
Russell Enterprise Inc.'s chess archive site, with a potpourri of articles, letters and essays from the days of yore, along with selected articles of interest from today.

Chess Mail
Correspondence games from Chess Mail magazine. Selection changes every month. Ususally the collections are centered around specific themes.

Chessplayers' Inn
These chess pages consist of all the world champion matches and the 1948 tournament for world championship, available national (i.e. Finnish) tournaments and some links to other chess pages.

Chessopolis !

Correspondence Chess Game Archive
by John Knudsen and with nearly 200,000 CC matches available

Correspondence Chess Place Archive
Massively huge archive of correspondence games dating from 1804 to the present including a section devoted to CC World Champions.

Download Gambit matches
The download page of the GambitSite.

Electronic Chess Library
The Electronic Chess Library is a published work of Glenn Budzinski, one of the more prominent US Chess historians. He has graciously now placed the entire Library into the public domain and it is housed at the University of Pittsburgh Chess Club.

Elo List Archive
Elo lists new and old, plus some other files.

Fairfax County Chess Club

Filebone: Index
The chess files contain a large collection of chess games in many formats, news, programs, utilities, and more.

G. Ossimitz Chess Page
Game collections with an emphasis on games and positions from books

Gambit Download Page
Game collections of various gambits.

Hemsoft Chess Page
Complete tournaments in PGN format, mostly from the last couple years.

IECG archives
A collection of International Email Chess Group's games from 1994 to the present.

Internet Chess Library
All sorts of downloadable chess items, including a large games collection. A repository for chess related materials for the Internet, including free and shareware software, games data in various types and formats, and non-copyrighted or reprinted with permission articles and publications. You can also visit their ftp server.

King's Indian
Collection devoted to this opening.

La Regence 1997-1998
A database of recent chessgames

Observer is a software robot that pulls games off the FICS chess server that ended in checkmate, and then sorts them by opening. See the day's harvest.

Pitt Chess Archives
The download page of the University of Pittsburgh Chess Club. The largest chess archive

Rating Info Archive
Many rating list and other usefule files on ratings.

Ruben Casafus' homepage
an excellently organised download page which covers all expectation in a download archive. Ruben Casafus does offer overall 275.000 matches, most of them played recently via e-mail. Archives are offered as zipped cbf-files. Strongly recommended!

Rudolf Steinkellner's Chess Page
Archive of games in ASCII and PGN format, as well as a large index of other chess Web sites. - collection including Complete IECG 1994 game collection, PCA Candidates match 1995, British Championship 1994 all in PGN notation.

Lots of correspondence games to download.

Collections devoted to various line of the Sicilian.

Steve Mayer's ChessBase Archive
A repository of interesting and valuable ChessBase files.

Tournament Database
PGN archives of games from local tournaments. Dallas Chess Club.

Traveller Chess: Archives
Huntsville Chess Club chess archives; large site with games, database searches, a beginner's page, and more.

TWIC Archive
ALL of the games (up to very recently) ever published on the The Week In Chess site collected in one place. What that means is the games from every major tournament of the last several years

TWIC Past Issues
Keep up on current trends with the last 50 or so issues of The Week In Chess.

Typhon Internet Chess Database
This site archives games by opening name, player, and event; play through the games using a Java applet, or simply look at the text file of the games. They also archive FIDE ratings.

University of Pittsburgh (ftp access)
Huge chess archive, containing FREE public domain games in ChessBase and PGN formats (as well as others), data management and conversion tools, chess utilities, desktop publishing resources, and much more

University of Pittsburgh Chess Club
Has probably the biggest collection of games and downloadable chess stuff on the Internet. Openings, players, events; it's all here.

University of Pittsburgh ChessBase archive
World Chess Championship http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Mark_Weeks/WCC-INDX.HTM
The games from the history of the World Championship, plus some of the candidate matches.

FTP Sites


Ziped Games Chessbase From Smayer
    /PGN (Portable Game Notation) èìà ïåò ïîääèðåêòîðèè:
    /Demo: PGN Reader, Standards for PGN Notation
    /Events: Tournaments, divided by year (/0-1991, /1992... /1998)
    /Openings: Opening Game Collections
    /Players: Famous Player Collections

4queenpg.zip 219 Games with 4 or more Queens on the board in end-game
100-pg.zip 737 Games of 100 moves or more
acbul-pg.zip 298 Games from American Chess Bulletin, 1947-1962
bril-pg.zip 50 Brilliancies from Modern Play
brit60pg.zip Selected British Games from the 1960s: 191 Games
brit70pg.zip Selected British Games form the 1970s: 598 Games
cal-pg.zip Games played in California: 10,216 Games.
can92-pg.zip 603 Games from Canada, 1992
cp8687pg.zip Computer Games 1986-97
cp8891pg.zip Computer Games 1988-91
croat-pg.zip 754 Games from Croatia
denm-pg.zip Danish Championships 1961-68, 1971, 1980-84
gmcom1pg.zip GM's vs. Computers, Part 1: 1400 Games
gmcom2pg.zip GM's vs. Computers, Part 2: 1400 Games on Internet Servers
gmcom3pg.zip GM's vs. Computers, Part 3: 1200 Games
irish-pg.zip Players from Ireland: 2334 Games
italy-pg.zip Players from italy: 6202 Games, 1855-1994
kbp-pg.zip 65 Wins with K+B+P vs. K+B+P Endings
kp-kp-pg.zip 1650 Wins with K+P vs. K+P Endgames
knp-pg.zip 128 Wins with K+N+P vs. K+N+P Endgames
kqp-pg.zip 227 Wins with K+Q+P vs. K+Q+P Endgames
krp-pg.zip 1798 Wins with K+R+P vs. K+R+P Endings
maxg-pgn.zip 3147-game PGN Collection. See DOC file included.
minis-pg.zip 1997 Wins in 12 Moves or Less
sams-pg.zip Collection of Misc. games, including many non-published GM games.
pca9395.zip PCA Candidates, Interzonal & World Ch., 1993-1995
storm-pg.zip Storming the Castled King: 165 Games from Rick Autry
swede2pg.zip 1150 Games from Sweden, 1990-93
ten-pg.zip 1132 Wins in 10 or less moves
trap-pg.zip 110 Tactical Miniatures
wchamppg.zip History of the World Championship: 3531 Games -- Male, Female, Candidates' Matches, Candidates' Tournaments, WCH Matches.

epd-spec.zip Extended Position Description Specifications
pgnrd152.zip PGN Reader for Windows
pgnstd.zip PGN Notation Standard 1994.03.12

01montpg.zip 1901 Monte Carlo: Alapin, Chigorin, Mieses et al
02han-pg.zip 1902 Hanover. Mieses, pillsbury, Chigorin et al: 155 Games
03montpg.zip 1903 Monte Carlo: Tarrasch, Maroczy, Pillsbury et al
04csprpg.zip 1904 Cambridge Springs. Marshall, Janowski, Lasker et al: 120 Games
04mon-pg.zip 1904 Monaco (all 30 games) and 1904 Monaco RICE
04wienpg.zip 1904 Vienna: Albin, Maroczy, Schlechter et al
05ost-pg.zip 1905 Ostend: Maroczy, Janowski, Tarrasch, Schlechter et al
07carlpg.zip 1907 Carlsbad, Czechoslovakia: 210 Games
09stp-pg.zip 1909 St. Petersburg: Lasker, Duras, Rubenstein et al
1834l-pg.zip 1834 London: DeLabourdonnais vs. MacDonnell
1843p-pg.zip 1843 Paris: P. St.Amant vs. H. Staunton
1845nopg.zip 1845 New Orleans: C. Stanley vs. E. Rousseau
1846l-pg.zip 1846 London: B. Horwitz vs. H. Staunton
1848brpg.zip 1848 Breslau: D. Harrwitz vs. A. Anderssen
1849brpg.zip 1849 Brighton: D. Harwitz vs. B. Horwitz
1849l-pg.zip 1849 London
1850w-pg.zip 1850 Washington Match: C. Stanley vs. J. Turner
1851l-pg.zip 1851 London: Bird, Horwitz, Staunton, et al
1862l-pg.zip 1862 London: Anderssen, Paulsen, Owen, Steinitz et al
1878papg.zip 1878 Paris: Winawer, Zukertort, Blackburne, Bird et al
1879lppg.zip 1879 Leipzig
1881brpg.zip 1881 Berlin
1883nupg.zip 1883 Nurnberg
1885hapg.zip 1885 Hamburg
1887frpg.zip 1887 Frankfurt am Main
1889bspg.zip 1889 Breslau
1889nypg.zip 1889 New York: Gunsberg, Blackburne, Chigorin et al
1892drpg.zip 1892 Dresden
1893klpg.zip 1893 Kiel
1894lppg.zip 1894 Leipzig
1894nypg.zip 1894 New York: Steinitz, Albin, Piillsbury et al
1895sppg.zip 1895 St. Petersburg Match-Tournament: All 36 Games (Lasker, Steinitz, Pillsbury, Chigorin
1896nupg.zip 1896 Nuremberg: Lasker, Tarrasch, Pillsbury et al
1900mupg.zip 1900 Munich: Maroczy, Schlechter, Pillsbury equal 1st
1900nypg.zip 1900 New York: Marshall, Showalter et al
1900papg.zip 1900 Paris
1927nypg.zip 1927 New York: Capablanca, Alekhine, Nimzowitsch et al
02mon-pg.zip 1902 Monte Carlo: Maroczy, Pillsbury, Janowsky et al: 20 Players, 220+ Games. See README.TXT, included.
02wienpg.zip Vienna 1907: Mieses, Duras, Tartakower, Vidmar et al: 14 Players, 91 Games.
11karlpg.zip 1911 Karlsbad: Teichmann over Rubinstein & Schlechter
12sts-pg.zip 1912 San Sebastian: Rubinstein, Nimzowitsch, Spielmann et al
13hav-pg.zip 1913 Havana: All 56 Games. 1st Marshall, 2nd Capablanca, 3rd Janowksi. Cross-table included.
14stp-pg.zip 1914 St. Petersburg: Capablanca, Marshall, Tarrasch et al
19has-pg.zip 1919 Hastings: Capablanca, Kostich et al; 12 players
20berlpg.zip 1920 Berlin: Breyer, Bogoljubov, Maroczy et al
20got-pg.zip 1920 Goteborg: All 302 Games
21bud-pg.zip 1921 Budapest: Alekhine, Gruenfeld, Kostich et al.; 12 players
22lon-pg.zip 1922 London: Capablanca, Alekhine, Vidmar et al
22teplpg.zip 1922 Teplitz-Schonau, Germany (Maroczy, Mieses, Tartakower, Grunfeld et al): 91 Games
22wie-pg.zip 1922 Vienna: Rubenstein, Tartakower, Wolf, Alekhine, Maroczy
23mah-pg.zip 1923 Maehrisch-Ostrau. Em. Lasker 1st, R. Reti 2nd
23wienpg.zip 1923 Vienna: Tartakower, Reti, Spielmann et al.; 12 players
24ny-pg.zip 1924 New York: Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Marshall et al
25bad-pg.zip 1925 Baden-Baden: Alekhine, Rubenstein, Saemisch et al
25deb-pg.zip 1925 Debrecen: Kmoch, Tartakower, Johner et al.; 14 players
25mar-pg.zip 1925 Marienbad: Nimzowitsch, Tartakower, Torre, Marshall, Gruenfeld et al
25mos-pg.zip 1925 Moscow: Bogoljubov, Lasker, Capa, Marshall et al
27lon-pg.zip 1927 London: Nimzovich, Tartakower, Marshall et al
27wch-pg.zip 1927 World Championship: Alekhine (18.5), Capablanca (15.5)
28bud-pg.zip 1928 Budapest: Capablanca, Marshall, Spielmann et al.; 10 players
28kis-pg.zip 1928 Bad Kissingen: Bogoljubow, Capablanca, Euwe et al
29karlpg.zip 1929 Karlsbad: 22 GM's! All 231 Games
29wch-pg.zip 1929 World Championship: Alekhine (15.5), Bogoljubov (9.5)
30scarpg.zip 1930 Scarborough (ENG): Maroczy, Colle, Rubinstein, Grunfeld, Sultan Khan et al: 66 Games
30str-pg.zip 1930 St. Remo: Alekhine, Nimzowitsch, Rubinstein, Bogoljubov
31bledpg.zip 1931 Bled: Alekhine, Bogoljubow, Nimzovich et al
34zur-pg.zip 1934 Zurich: Alekhine, Bernstein, Bogoljubow, Euwe, Flohr, Lasker, Nimzovitsch, Stahlberg et al
36drespg.zip 1936 Dresden: Alekhine, Maroczy, Engels et al.; 10 players
36hastpg.zip 1936 Hastings: Alekhine, Fine, Eliskases et al
36mos-pg.zip 1936 Moscow: Botvinnik, Capablanca, Flohr, Lasker et al
36not-pg.zip 1936 Nottingham (Alekhine, Tartakower, Botvinnik et al)
36us-pg.zip 1936 US Championship: 110 Games (10 missing - see PGN file): Reshevsky wins. Cross-Table included.
36zandpg.zip 1936 Zandvoort (NED): Fine, Maroczy, Spielmann, Tartakower, Bogoljubov et al: 66 Games
37kem-pg.zip 1937 Kemeri: Reshevsky, Flohr, Alekhine, Keres et al.; 18 players
37semmpg.zip 1937 Semmering: Keres, Fine, Capablanca, 8-player double round
38avropg.zip 1938 AVRO (Won by Fine-Keres, with Botvinnik et al)
38lodzpg.zip 1938 Lodz: Pirc, Tartakower, Eliskases et al.; 16 players
39margpg.zip 1939 Margate: Keres, Capablanca, Flohr et al.; 10 players
45has-pg.zip 1945 Hastings
46bcf-pg.zip 1945 British Championship (BCF)
46gro-pg.zip 1946 Froningen: Botvinnik, Tartakower, Smyslov, Flohr et al
47bri-pg.zip 1947 WECU, Bristol
47ljubpg.zip 1947 L:jubljana: Gligoric, Pirc et al: 144 Games
48saltpg.zip 1948 Saltsjobaden izt: All 190 Games
48ven-pg.zip 1948 Venice, Italy (Najdorf, Szabos, Barcza, Grob et al): 91 Games
49badppg.zip 1949 Bad Pyrmont Ch. - BDR: Bogoljubov et al: 81 Games
49sseapg.zip 1949 Southseas: Tartakower, Rossolimo, Pachman, Thomsa
49usopen.zip Reconstruction of 1949 US Open Tournament Bulletin & Games. Includes notes. Games are in PGN
50amstpg.zip 1950 Amsterdam, with Cross-Table and player biographies
50bud2pg.zip 1950 Budapest Candidates
50sseapg.zip 1950 Southseas: Bisguier, Schmid, Golombeck, Bogoljubov
51mar-pg.zip 1951 Mar del Plata: 253 Games
51oxf-pg.zip 1951 Oxford
51usa-pg.zip 1951 US Championship
51wch-pg.zip 1951 World Championship (Botvinnik & Bronstein tie)
52bev-pg.zip 1952 Beverwijk
52izt-pg.zip 1952 Sweden Interzonal (Petrosian, Averbach, Taimanov et al)
52livrpg.zip 1952 Liverpool: Bronstein, Taimanov
52ussrpg.zip 1952 USSR Championship
53bev-pg.zip 1953 Beverwijk: Euwe, Rossolimo, J. Donner et al: 66 Games
53buchpg.zip 1953 Bucharest: Spassky, Boleslavsky, Barcza et al: 190 Games
53has-pg.zip 1953 hastings: Bronstein, Alexander, O'Kelly
53zur-pg.zip 1953 Zurich Candidates
54buenpg.zip 1954 Buenos Aires: Argentina vs. USSR
55izt-pg.zip 1955 Goteborg Interzonal (Reti, Bisguier, Keres, Petrosian, Najdorf et al)
56ams-pg.zip 1956 Amsterdam Candidates: Smyslov, Keres, Szabo et al: 90 games
56has-pg.zip 1956 Hastings
56ilf-pg.zip 1956 Ilford Premiere
56pai-pg.zip 1956 Paignton
56montpg.zip 1956 First Canadian Open Ch., including some early Bobby Fischer games. Headers corrected according to tournament book, fixing errors found in other copies on the net.
57badnpg.zip 1957 Bad Neuenahr
57has-pg.zip 1957 Hastings
57saoppg.zip 1957 Sao Paulo
58porpg.zip 1958 Portoroz izt: Tal, Gligoric, Petrosian et al: 210 Games
58urs-pg.zip 1958 USSR Ch.: Tal, Petrosian, Bronstein, Averbach et al
59bal-pg.zip 1959 Balatonfured: Portisch, Bilek, Uhlmann et al
59bcf-pg.zip 1959 British (BCF) Championship
59usopen.zip Reconstruction of 1959 US Open Tournament Bulletin & Games. Includes notes. Games are in PGN
59zur-pg.zip 1959 Zurich: Fischer, Larsen, Keres, Barcza et al
59candpg.zip 1959 Candidates, with Cross-Table
62hasbpg.zip 1962 Hastings B
62stk-pg.zip 1962 Stockholm izt: 23 rds. & 5-game playoff between Benko, Stein & Glioric. Fischer won 1st
63hallpg.zip 1963 Halle Zonal: All 190 Games. Portisch over Larsen
63has-pg.zip 1963 Hastings
63la-pg.zip 1963 Los Angeles (Najdorf, Keres, Gligoric et al)
64amstpg.zip 1964 Amsterdam izt
64arc-pg.zip 1964 Arcobaleno
64pecspg.zip 1964 Pecs
64zur-pg.zip 1964 Zurich Young Masters
65candpg.zip 1965 Candidates
65lv-pg.zip 1965 Las Vegas (Byrne, Reshevsky et al)
66malmpg.zip 1966 Malmo
66sm-pg.zip 1966 Santa Monica: Fischer, Spassky, Petrosian, Najdorf, Reshevsky et al
67bcf-pg.zip 1967 British (BCF) Championship
67has-pg.zip 1967 Hastings
67mos-pg.zip 1967 Moscow: Najdorf, Keres, Petrosian, Gligoric et al
67souspg.zip 1967 Sousse izt: Infamout Fischer dispute
68bcf-pg.zip 1968 British (BCF) Championship
68ber-pg.zip 1968 Lasker Memorial, Berlin: Uhlmann, Barczay, Suetin, Bronstein et al: 17 Games
68coropg.zip 1968 Correspondence Olympiad
68czecpg.zip 1967-68 Czech Correspondence Championship, with Cross-Table
68has-pg.zip 1968 Hastings
68lub-pg.zip 1968 Lublin
69bcf-pg.zip 1969 British (BCF) Championship
69usopen.zip 1969 US Open 1969: Torunament Notes & Games in PGN. Won by Benko
70bcf-pg.zip 1970 British (BCF) Championship
70has-pg.zip 1970 Hastings
70isl-pg.zip 1970 Islington Jr. International: Timman et al
70lie-pg.zip 1970 Lieden (NED): Botvinnik, Donner, Larsen, Spassky
70lug-pg.zip 1970 Lugano: Larsen, Olafsson, Gligoric et al
70palmpg.zip 1970 Palma de Mallorca (big Fischer win)
70uw-pg.zip 1970 USSR vs. The World: Najdorf, Tal, Portisch, Korchnoi, Gligoric, Smyslov, Uhlmann et al
71cambpg.zip 1971 Cambridge Internationals
71esk-pg.zip 1971 Eskilstuna
72amstpg.zip 1972 Amsterdam IBM: All 120 games. Won by Polugaevsky.
72barnpg.zip 1972 Barnstaple Open
72hel-pg.zip 1972 Helsinki
72lp-pg.zip 1972 Las Palmas (won by Portisch): Larsen, Smyslov, Bronstein, Benko et al. 15 rounds, 120 Games
72san-pg.zip 1972 San Antonio "Church's Chicken" Tournament: STRONG players!
73bollpg.zip 1973 Bollnas
73eutcpg.zip 1973 European Corr. Teams
73has-pg.zip 1973 Hsatings: Tal, Szabo, Timman, Kuzmin
73len-pg.zip 1973 Leningrad izt: All 153 Games. Korchnoi & Karpov equal 1st
73mad-pg.zip 1973 Madrid

PGN Collections

Internet Chess Library
Alekhine 186 games
Anand 308 games
Botvinnik 700 games
Bronstein 114 games
Capablanca 589 games
Chigorin 295 games
Euwe 475 games
Fine 68 games
Fischer 733 games
Karpov 1046 games
Kasparov 1030 games
Lasker 397 games
Morphy 243 games
Reti 400 games
Schlecter 83 games
Tal 1964 games

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions about Chess
http://www.clark.net/pub/pribut/chess.html   edited by Steve Pribut

Archon Ultra

Biographical information on some Notable Chess Personalities

Blade Runner FAQ 2.2: Part 10

Chess History by Bill Wall

CM4000 Review

Ex planation-based neural network learning in chess

GNU Chess and XBoard:FAQ-Tim Mann

Green Eggs Report

How To Tell If Yout Head's About To Blow Up

Macintosh Chess Frequently Asked Questions Homepage

Some Chess FAQS

Steinitz's Theory

Steve Pribut's Chess Page
Pribut maintains archives of the rec.games.chess frequently asked chess questions (FAQs).

Usenet FAQ for Chess

WBCA Rules

Yasser Seirawan's diary - from the Donner Memorial


gnu.chess - GNU chess related newsgroup
maus.schach - general german chess newsgroup - only articles
nl.sport.schaken - In Dutch
rec.games.chess.analysis - analysis openings/middlegames/endgames
rec.games.chess.computer - reports/discussion on game servers, databases, software
rec.games.chess.misc -  news/discussion related to chess
rec.games.chess.play-by-email - reports/discussions related to email chess
rec.games.chess.politics - news of nat'l/international chess organizations


Adolf Anderssen Birth: July 6, 1818 and Death: March 13, 1879 is buried in the Osobowicki Cemetery in Wroclaw, Poland, formerly named Breslau, Germany.

Paul Morphy Birth: June 22, 1837 and Death: July 10, 1884, is buried in New Orleans in St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. Here is his grave. Morphy grave

Harry Nelson Pillsbury Birth: December 5, 1872 Somerville, Massachusetts and Death: June 17, 1906 Philadelphia, was United States Chess Champion from 1897 until his death in 1906. He is buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Reading, MA.

William Steinitz Birth: May 14, 1836 Prague, Czech Republic and Death: Aug. 12, 1900 New York is buried in the Evergreens Cemetery, Brooklyn, Plot: Bethel Slope Section, Lot 5896. Steinitz grave

Emmanuel Lasker Birth: Dec. 24, 1868 Berlinchen and Death: Jan. 11, 1941 New York, is buried in Beth Olom Cemetery, Brooklyn.

Jose Capablanca Birth: Nov. 19, 1888 Havana and Death: Mar. 8, 1942 New York, is buried in Necropolis Cristobal Colon, Havana's city of the dead. He has a marble king on his grave. Capablanca grave

Alexander Alekhine Birth: Oct 31, 1892 Moscow and Death: Mar. 24, 1946 Estoril, Portugal, is buried in Cimiterie Montparnasse, Paris, and his gravestone was damaged in a 1999 storm as seen here. Interestingly, both his birth and death dates are wrong on his tombstone. The tombstone reads:

25TH MARCH, 1946
1927-35-37 TO THE END.
That is what you get when things are done by committee. Alekhine grave

Mikhail Moiseevich Botvinnik Birth: Aug. 17, 1911 Kuokkala (Repino, near St.Petersburg), Russia and
Death: May 5, 1995 Moscow, Russia.

Mikhail Nekhemievich Tal Birth: November 9, 1936 Riga, Latvia and Death: June 28, 1992 Moscow, Russia.

Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian Birth: June 17, 1929 Mulki of Aragatsotn region, Armenia
and Death: August 13, 1984 Moscow, Russia.

E mail: Mark Willey at pha1941@hotmail.com

Last modified March 22, 2006.